
EdTech Insights

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In large sectors like the Education Sector, decision-making must be driven by data. Student Information Systems (SIS) supports a flow of data that is easily accessible and can be analysed to increase the accuracy of decision-making.

An effective SIS offers solutions to tertiary institutions – ones that are flexible, comprehensive and scalable. The ideal SIS has the capacity to configure the automation of an entire student management system based on an individual institution’s needs and requirements.

Probably the most powerful element of a SIS, is the easily accessible data it can provide. Organised data at one central point, from where reports can be compiled, data analysed and projections made – all with one important result: interpreted data for informed decisions that rely on facts.

If knowledge is power, then decisions based on interpreted data is the ultimate empowerment of your institution’s management team. 

Stellenbosch University opted for a SIS that offers them the administrative management system they need. Learn more here or get in touch for more information.


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